On a chilly winter day in Brandenburg, a small, seemingly inconspicuous pond became the setting for an extraordinary encounter. Among the usual array of waterfowl, a first-year Long-Tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis) stood out—a rare visitor far from its typical Arctic and coastal haunts. Its presence, alongside more familiar duck species like Smew (Mergellus albellus), Gadwall… Continue reading An unexpected visitor: first-year Long-Tailed Duck in Teltow-Flaeming/ Brandenburg
Tag: Tufted Duck
Trauerente auf dem Schwielowsee
Auf dem spiegelglatten See jagen ausgiebig Trupps von Kormoranen (Phalacrocorax carbo). Auch ein paar Reiherenten (Aythya fuligula) zu sind entdecken. Es ist ein wunderschöner Spätherbsttag, der mit Reif am frühen Morgen begonnen hatte und nun dann in einen wolkenlosen Nachmittag mündete. Im Schatten der Uferbäume war es dann doch erstaunlich kühl aber im Sonnenschein auf… Continue reading Trauerente auf dem Schwielowsee
Birding Berlin: Ducks in winter in Charlottenburg Palace
A splash drops of water, a wild tumult. Just a moment ago the two male Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) had been standing side by side on the ice-plate. Now they quarrel like crazy. Diving, swimming, fluttering and finally escaping, they obviously let their aggression run wild. Most of the short but intense fights end with the… Continue reading Birding Berlin: Ducks in winter in Charlottenburg Palace
Steppe habitat just outside Castilla de la Mancha
The Spanish province of Valencia was visited in summer. One reason was to relax for a week. The second argument was to get a feel for avian delights of an area of the country normally thought of in mainstream tourism terms. As a habitual visitor to the more well-known birding destination of Andalucía and Portugal,… Continue reading Steppe habitat just outside Castilla de la Mancha
Harter Winter – gute Vogelaufnahmen
Je härter der Winter, desto schwieriger ist die Futtersuche. An der Ostseeküste gilt das für die Vogelwelt besonders dann, wenn auf dem Blankensee, an den Havelseen oder gar der Ostsee das Wasser zufriert und offene Stellen selten werden. Dann überwinden die Vögel ihre natürliche Scheu und versuchen, in den Häfen auf Beutefang zu gehen. Für… Continue reading Harter Winter – gute Vogelaufnahmen
Passerine vagrants on St. Paul – Pribilof Islands
As the plane gets closer to the barren island of St. Paul, the first impression is Brown und Olive-green. Later we see that there are not only brown and olive colors on the island. Metre-high waves of a dark blue sea are breaking against the rugged, rocky coast which is shimmering black. As we land,… Continue reading Passerine vagrants on St. Paul – Pribilof Islands
Pintail Snipe on a remote US-Island in the northern Pacific/ Alaska
Gambell, a small village on the north-western tip of the remote St. Lawrence Island is an outstanding outpost not only for North American Birders. A short trip with only a few days with High Lonesome yielded all sorts of good birds, both Asian and North American origin. During a 6-day trip guided by the tour… Continue reading Pintail Snipe on a remote US-Island in the northern Pacific/ Alaska
Zugvogelraritäten auf den Pribilofs
Die kleine Saab-Propellermaschine ist schon seit gut einer Stunde über dem unendlichen nördlichen Pazifik unterwegs als in weiter Ferne ein brauner Streif Inseln im windgepeitschten Meer der Beringsee auftauchen. Das sind die Pribilofs. Wir steuern St. Paul an. Der Flug hat immerhin gut 3 Stunden mit Unterbrechung in einem verlassenen Nest gedauert. Braun ist die… Continue reading Zugvogelraritäten auf den Pribilofs
Waterfowl Spring migration on the flooded meadows of the river Oder/ Germany
Already several sites for nature protection with excellent birding ops in Brandenburg has been presented. One of these sites is a protected nature area in the Havellaendisches Luch or the Guelper See. If you have spare time between two tourist attractions in Germany´s sprawling capital Berlin you might be interested as a birdwatcher to know,… Continue reading Waterfowl Spring migration on the flooded meadows of the river Oder/ Germany
Moorhen chases Snipe at Rieselfelder Munster
Migration season starts in Germany right now. One of the best places to see especially the early fall migrants – the waders – is the old sewage farm in the north of Muenster, called Rieselfelder Munster. Early morning, 6:30 am. Still dawn. Haze over the water and I am watching through a well located hide… Continue reading Moorhen chases Snipe at Rieselfelder Munster
Observations of a Great Reed-Warbler in the Rhine Valley
Based on a message in Ornitho.de in the beginning of May I when visited the Schiersteiner water works in the vicinity of Wiesbaden in the Rheingau region. This area is about 50 km west from the Frankfurt city center. A singing Reed Warbler had been seen. Maybe a nice photo opportunity. Shortyl after arrival at… Continue reading Observations of a Great Reed-Warbler in the Rhine Valley
Lowland birds in and around Kuehkopf
The nature reserve Kuehkopf-Knoblochsaue (in German: Naturschutzgebiet or NSG Kühkopf-Knoblochsaue) is one of the best sites of riparian forest along the river Rhine. The reserve is the largest protected area in Hesse, with 2,369 hectares. It is located on the right bank of the upper Rhine. Towns nearby are Leeheim, Erfelden, Stockstadt and Biebesheim all… Continue reading Lowland birds in and around Kuehkopf