A few years ago, I was a guest at a commercial winter feeding site for raptors. Great shooting conditions, beautiful scenery, great birds. Unfortunatelly not quite around the corner of my home located in the Eifel. ” …this I can do that, too” ,I thought. But then it turned out to be not so easy.… Continue reading Woodpeckers at the winter feeder
Tag: Turdus merula
Birding rund um den Frankfurter Flughafen – Der Grosse Feldberg
Frankfurt Airport (FRA ) ist das Tor zum europäischen Festland . Viele Fluggesellschaften nutzen den Airport als Drehscheibe für Anschlussflüge für die ganze Welt. Wenn Sie freie Zeit zwischen zwei Flügen haben und Sie ein Vogelbeobachter sind, haben Sie vielleicht Interesse zu wissen, wo man gute Orte für die Vogelbeobachtung findet und zudem noch die… Continue reading Birding rund um den Frankfurter Flughafen – Der Grosse Feldberg
Migratory birds herald spring
Last weekend, you could observe heavy traffic in the skies over Frankfurt/ Germany. Although winter is not ready to lower its grip the first returning migrants already point to the imminent end of the cold season. In recent weeks, Eurasian Skylarks (Alauda arvensis), and Northern Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus), were seen already on their return. Particularly… Continue reading Migratory birds herald spring
Common Kestrel feeding on trapped bird
loud alarms calls of Blackbirds draw my attention to a place in neighbor´s garden. First I saw a moving wing – white with black pattern. Then the moustache. Hey, this is a female Common Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, feeding on a Eurasian Blackbird. The dead Blackbird had been accidentally trapped by a fruit net, provided to… Continue reading Common Kestrel feeding on trapped bird
New Bird Images in Picture Shop
Bird Lens is proud to show some excellent images of the birds shot from a hide in Hungary in December in the gallery of the pictures shop. The hide is located in the eastern part of Hungary in a superb old oak forest. The hide has a drinking pool in front of the window of… Continue reading New Bird Images in Picture Shop