Nachdem die Rostflügeldrossel (Turdus eunomus) mitten im Erzgebirge bei Stollberg süd-westlich von Chemnitz in einem Trupp Wacholderdrosseln (Turdus pilaris) eine kleine Sensation für deutsche Birder bedeutete und nur 4 Tage mit einer gewissen Regelmäßigkeit gesichtet worden war, sind verstärkt Fragen an herangetragen worden. Bereits im November 2016 hatte über die im englischen „Dusky… Continue reading Nachschlag zur Rostflügeldrossel im Erzgebirge
Tag: Turdus naumanni eunomus
Vagrant Dusky Thrush in Western Europe
A strong, white supercilium, blackish cheeks and long white submoustachial stripe on a Thrush in late fall might mean just a Redwing (Turdus iliacus). But sometimes, it is something different, something “better”. Dutch birders in Groningen were (almost) lucky to find a Dusky Thrush (Turdus eunomus) yesterday. Unfortunately the bird was found dead on a… Continue reading Vagrant Dusky Thrush in Western Europe
Siberian specialities on Bird-Lens
On the eastern edge of the western palearctic are living bird families closely related to the species you find on a regular basis in the western palearctic too. Sometimes these birds cross or touch the borders of the western palearctic only. Sometimes they occur during an influx as vagrants touching down often to islands of… Continue reading Siberian specialities on Bird-Lens