Spoonbills at Lake Neusiedl

Feeding by sweeping their bills back and forth through the water like a rake, a Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) is catching food by trapping small prey with their special bill. A spoonbill is a type of wading bird that can be found in shallow water. These birds have a long, spoon-shaped bill that is used… Continue reading Spoonbills at Lake Neusiedl

Kites slow wind power expansion not only in Germany

Conservation initiatives and strictly protected birds of prey such as the Red Kite, Milvus milvus prove as a barrier to wind power development not only in Germany. As in Germany, the situation is in Austria. Near the new wind farm which is under construction on the outskirts of Grosskrut, Mistelbach district, an ornithologist in Austria… Continue reading Kites slow wind power expansion not only in Germany