Hiking and birding in Stelvio National Park in the Alps

A meeting of nature enthusiasts at dawn. In the heart of the majestic Alps, where rugged peaks rise into the sky and untouched landscapes stretch as far as the eye can see, lies the enchanting Stelvio National Park. Nestled in this breathtaking expanse lies the Stelvio Pass, a mountainous wonderland that attracts both adventurers and… Continue reading Hiking and birding in Stelvio National Park in the Alps

A Special at Green Mubazzarah:  Leucism in Desert Lark

After a successful morning in first light and 2 hours afterwards in the Green Mubazzarah, at the foot of the Hajar Mountains, I’ve just come back from a photo tour of both the Plain Leaf-Warbler (Phylloscopus neglectus) and a pair of Hume’s Wheatears (Oenanthe alboniger). I walk over the thick pebbles that make the Wadi… Continue reading A Special at Green Mubazzarah:  Leucism in Desert Lark

Stelvio National Park: bird diversity in the Alps

As the first light of dawn paints the sky in shades of pink and orange, a small group of intrepid bird watchers gather at the entrance to Stelvio National Park. Armed with binoculars, cameras and a shared passion for the winged inhabitants of this Alpine paradise, they embark on a journey into the heart of… Continue reading Stelvio National Park: bird diversity in the Alps

A rarity in Krkonoše-Mountains: the Alpine Accentor

We actually see the first Alpine Accentor (Prunella collaris) at the summit of Sněžka, the highest peak in the Krkonoše, or Karkonosze – Moutains, which are also called „Giant Mountains“. As we were just leaving the plateau we see 9-12 individuals of this species calling and flying around the houses in the immediate vicinity of… Continue reading A rarity in Krkonoše-Mountains: the Alpine Accentor

Die Alpenbraunelle im Riesengebirge

Die ersten Alpenbraunellen (Prunella collaris) sehen wir tatsächlich zuerst am Gipfel der Schneekoppe. Als wir gerade das Plateau verlassen sehen wir 9 -12 Individuen dieser Art wie sie rufend um die in nächster Nähe der dort befindlichen Häuser fliegen und dann irgendwo in der Geröllhalde niedergehen. Später sehe ich weitere Alpenbraunellen. Einige hüpfen auf dem… Continue reading Die Alpenbraunelle im Riesengebirge

Kuhreiher unter Rasensprenger

Genüßlich spaziert der Kuhreiher (Bubulcus ibis) am frühen Morgen durch den strömenden „Regen“ des Grassprengers, der das Grün mitten in der Wüste überhaupt erst ermöglicht. Diese Reiherart ist dafür bekannt, viel Zeit in der Nähe von Nutztieren wie grasenden Rindern zu verbringen und Insekten und Würmer zu schnappen, die durch ihre Hufe aufgescheucht werden. Aber… Continue reading Kuhreiher unter Rasensprenger

Pied Wagtail at sewage plant north of Berlin

Normally, the Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba yarrellii) occurs in Germany in winter as a vagrant in the north-west, especially at the North Sea. In 2021, for example, the species was found on Hohe Klint near Oxstedt in the district of Cuxhaven, on the island of Borkum, on the salt marshes of Juist or (on several… Continue reading Pied Wagtail at sewage plant north of Berlin

Kanadapfeifente in den Körziner Wiesen bei Beelitz/ Brandenburg

In ornitho.de kam an Karfreitag 2018 die Meldung herein, daß eine Nordamerikanische Pfeifente oder  Kanadapfeifente (Anas americana) zusammen mit den „normalen“ Pfeifente (Anas penelope) sowie Knäkenten (Anas querquedula) und Löffelenten (Anas clypeata) gesehen worden sei. Die ersten Ornis waren trotz des naß-kalten Wetter mit Regenschauern schon vor Ort. Es schien, als hätten sich alle an… Continue reading Kanadapfeifente in den Körziner Wiesen bei Beelitz/ Brandenburg

Birdphotographie in the Picos De Europa

While the southern landscapes in Spain – like the Estremadura – are among the most popular photo destinations on the Iberian Peninsula, the mountains in the north, like the Picos De Europa, are largely unknown to many bird photographers. On my travels to Spain mountainous birds of the Hochgebirge had been too short. They were… Continue reading Birdphotographie in the Picos De Europa

Golden Eagle at the Laguna de Gallocanta/ Spain

Going for Laguna de Gallocanta, this lake on 1,000 m asl in the middle of Northern Spain, seems to be good for impressive numbers of wintering birds as well as for surprises. Some years ago, there has been observations of a Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis). Actually, I wanted to watch and photograph Common Cranes (Grus… Continue reading Golden Eagle at the Laguna de Gallocanta/ Spain

Migration of raptors over the Macin Mountains National Park

Because Macin Mountains is famous as an important migration hotspot for raptors in autumn, we decided to visit this site after a visit in May again at the end of September. An excellent choice. Arriving only at around 11:00h the activity of the “normal” birds were low. But the highlight, we were looking for, was… Continue reading Migration of raptors over the Macin Mountains National Park

Cattle Egret taking a shower under a lawn sprinkler

This species of heron is renown to spend a lot of time close to livestock like grazing cattle and grab insects and worms that their hooves disturb. But on these pictures you can see, that the Cattle Egret feels attracted to other human environment as well. Weather the egret seeks the spray of the lawn… Continue reading Cattle Egret taking a shower under a lawn sprinkler