Discovery of the Black Sittella (Daphoenositta miranda) in the Central Highlands of PNG

While exploring the Central Highlands of Papua New Guinea, I came across a remarkable bird, the Black Sittella (Daphoenositta miranda). This species belongs to the Neosittidae family and is native to several mountainous regions of New Guinea. In this blog, I would like to share my observations and findings about this rare bird. The Black… Continue reading Discovery of the Black Sittella (Daphoenositta miranda) in the Central Highlands of PNG

Kurzfangsperber über Stari Grad/ Montenegro

Endlich mal ein richtig schöner Sonnentag. Wir lassen das Auto oberhalb von Stari Grad stehen und wandern in der mittäglichen Hitze (25-28°C) umher. Es ist doch schon ganz schön heiß. Plötzlich sehen wir einen kreisenden, hell wirkenden Greif, der am blauen Himmel zu sehen ist und sich in der Thermik des dahinter liegenden Bergkegels offensichtlich… Continue reading Kurzfangsperber über Stari Grad/ Montenegro

Levant Sparrowhawk at Rumija Mountains

A sunny day above Stari Grad with blue sky and mediterranean midday heat. It’s already pretty hot. Suddenly we see a circling, bright-looking raptor, which can be seen against the blue sky and obviously feels comfortable in the thermals of the mountain cone behind it. My guess, Levant Sparrowhawk, is confirmed when looking through the… Continue reading Levant Sparrowhawk at Rumija Mountains